Reclaimation Project |
Reclamation Beams
This pristine Ohio Mill is being deconstructed in 2012. This paperboard warehouse was constructed in the early 1900's using the finest materials available for construction of the time. The wood used in some of the buildings in the facility is Western Red Cedar. This high quality material was used in the beams, rafters, and decking in some of the warehouses. Top quality pine beams were used in the bigger warehouses. Also, T&G maple was used on top of the decking to provide a durable wear surface for the warehouses' 2nd floors. There are a total of 5 warehouses in this facility, made of wood and brick, with some smaller, older side buildings added on to the side of the main warehouses. Timber frame construction was used in 3 of the warehouses, some of the trusses include members with 35 - 39' long timbers. You can see the dowels protruding from the beams where they were doweled together by the period's finest craftsmen. Western Red Cedar was selected for the timber framed warehouses for its excellent characteristics. One of the most durable softwoods, along with excellent milling properties made it the wood of choice for these carpenters. Most of the beams and rafters are painted in these warehouses. This means that the wood inside is in excellent condition! You can see some aging cracks in some of the beams, but most of the beams are still as solid, straight, and true as the day they were put in.
Reclaimed Lumber Beams Available CALL 601-668-9697 FOR MORE INFO 100 year old pine beams, rafters, and decking will soon be available from this facility. We are in the process of pre-selling many of these beams. Also available are the roof beams that haven't been inventoried yet, but are in even better shape than the beams supporting the 2nd floor of the warehouse. T&G decking will also be available. The decking we have seen so far is 2.5" thick and 6" wide. There is thick decking on the roof, as well. Some of the one story warehouses are covered in 1" thick western red cedar in varying widths. We have measured some of these to be 14" in width. We suspect much of this is old growth Western Red Cedar, based on the tightness of the grain on areas that we have exposed and the time period within which it was harvested. These beams are perfect for timber frame projects, pergolas, and other outdoor structures. Call us to discuss the possibilities for this beautiful wood for your projects! Click here to view a gallery of pictures of this structure. More pictures of this unique structure are here.